HIV And Anemia Relationship

Is there a relationship between anemia with HIV?
Anemia is commonly found associated with HIV infection. There are many reasons for the possible; the number of red blood cells are low, the reserves of low vitamin B12, iron deficiency, tiroid that does not work correctly, a lot of blood loss during menstruation, hormone levels are low, the impact of medication or infection that attacks the bone marrow ( eg: B19 parvo, MAC, or hard fungus infection.

HIV-related anemia have shown responses to the replacement of EPO. Giving EPO (anemia drug) is the best to encourage the formation of red blood cells in women with iron reserves and an adequate level of albumin in normal condition even though EPO low (below 500 MU / ml). This medicine is given the injection under the skin and first performed three times a week. Based on the new information, EPO can be given as many as 40,000 units under the skin once a week. EPO is usually caused retikulositosis followed by increased Hb hematokrit and after two to six weeks. [Note: EPO is very expensive in several countries, so it is rarely affordable

In some research, they have a lower number of CD4 or AIDS, those treated for oportunistik infection, anemia, age, blood transfusion therapy, or ART, the use of EPO is associated with a decrease in the risk of death.
anemia and HIV
Although other factors may not have been included, the use of EPO therapy for anemia associated with an increase in the resilience of life in HIV disease. EPO therapy may also play a role as support to some HIV-infected patients with Hb increase, reduce fatigue, an and reduce the need for red blood cell transfusion.